Photos of the Fund’s Events & activities

The Nahariya's Bet Neria congregation celebrates Egyptian Jewry

נהריה. אפריל 2019

A remembrance event - marking 64 years to the execution by hanging, of Lt. Colonel Samuel Azar and Lt. Colonel Dr. Moshe Marzouk.

הר הרצל ירושלים. ינואר 2019

Celebrating 90 years: Mayer Zafran's 90st Birthday event

בית הלוחם חיפה אוגוסט 2018

Marking the Fiftieth Anniversary to the Liberation of the 'Operation Susannah' prisoners – IICC held A tribute event in honor of the operation's heroes.

מל"ם מרץ 2018

A remembrance event - marking 63 years to the execution by hanging, of Lt. Colonel Samuel Azar and Lt. Colonel Dr. Moshe Marzouk

הר הרצל ירושלים. ינואר 2018

A mini-seminar in commemoration of the Cairo Martyrs was held at the Hebrew Reali School, Haifa.

15 ינואר 2018

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